Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Doing My Tags

This one was tagged by: Fion who loves uu.

*Uu's not a real person =.=
According to your age (17), list down the number of things that most people don't know about you. And then tag 5 people.

1) I only began to eat those small cupped yogurt this year.
2) I hate people who choose to contribute to global warming.
3) I love TicTacs. Seriously, you buy me that, and I'll finish that sucka' like that!
4) I have begun to dislike watching TV, 'cause it's all the same show to me
5) Set up fireworks and set me up at the beach, and that'll be my definition of a night well spent.
6) I have a high metabolic rate, allowing me to eat as much as I want, and not gain too much weight.
7) I'm not all that shy if I know you well enough
8) I never liked eating cake.
9) I have a frog which looks like me. Shaddap Sarah
10) I'm frustrated with the fact that my webcam can't take videos with sound, so I have to take 'em separately.
11) I secretly like Geography back in school
12) My hair is a bit brown.
13)I'm nervous about my law test...
14)Most of my memories of people aren't in message or picture form.
15) I can't wait to fall back in love, but at the same time, I push away every single opportunity that's come my way as of lately. Call it sissy, I don't care
16) I try to hide my scars but am not afraid to show 'em sometimes.
I love chick flicks.

I'll tag

  • Sarah
  • Sidney
  • Ashley
  • Jessica
  • Mercurial Dodger

TAGGED BY: Saewahh and Sidney!

Rules & Regulations:

Do not copy answers
Tag questions must be 100% same
Tag people before doing the tag

I tag:

1. Kenny
2. Clarice
3. Sukukia
4. Jessica
5. Dick
6. Angel
7. Homer S.
8. No air[You think who]
9. Fion

How do you know 1? (Kenny)
I dunno... I just randomly named this guy

What would you do if you never meet 2? (Fwish/clarice)
Less retarded. life during Form 4 would def. be quieter and I wouldn't get scolded by teachers as much if I didn't meet her. no idea where she is now tho'. =|

What would you do if 3 & 4 dated? Sukukia&Jessica)
AHAHAHAHHAHAA! So chun! Probably be the same as i am now. ;)

Would 5 & 6 make a good couple? (Dick&Angel)
Angel would kill Dick. Dick would be too afraid of Angel. YES, they would make a great couple. =D

Do you think 7 is attractive? (Homer S.)
O_O uh...yes?

Tell me something about 9 (Fion)
GIRL who drives anyone up the wall. Dances verrrrrrryyy well and bullies the shit out of me. Meh...

What's 1's favourite past time? (Sidney)

What language does 2 speak? (Clarice)
Mandarin, Enggrish, BM, hokkien

Who is 3 going out with? (Sukukia)
The female version of me

How old is 4? (Jessica)
18 and life!

When was the last time you talked to 5? (Dick)
Few days ago at S'wak Club. He's going Swinburne! YEAH!

Who is 6's favourite singer? (Angel)
I honestly do not know...:(

Would you date 7? (Homer S.)
It would make things complicated...

Is 8 single? (No air)
Nope..she's dating Tiger...

What's 9's last name? (Fion)

Would you consider being in a relationship with 1? (Kenny)

Which school does 2 go to? (Clarice)
WAS in lodge...going to nanyang next...

What do you like about 3? (Sukukiai)
His Hokkien is close to perfection

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