Wow, it's 2009. Happy New Year to everybody! And maaf for not updating. Still kinda hung over from the fact that, from now on, when I say "last year", it's referring to 2008. If you think about it, you gotta admit that last year, was, once again, a fast year.
2 oh oh 8 is and was the only year I'll ever remember distinctively, as the year of everything I wanted and feared. A combination of everything. It's like when you buy a packet of Skittles, some may like the red ones, but in that packet, there's bound to be blue ones, purple ones, black ones--OK la, no black ones. maybe the rotten ones or something... I miss eating Skittles
It was the year where I won a plastic round thing dipped in shiny brown dye, attached with the school logo. Didn't matter that i got third or that my name wasn't printed in the school mag. The fact that I managed to get that far was more than enough.
It was the year I spent a total of around two to three hundred ringgit on my phone, as it kept on mysteriously dying. Credits to Aaron for helping me to get it repaired. On that note, it was the first time I used a P1i. No offence to the P1i users, but FUCK MAN. Yesyes, Jesse's not good with smartphones. What does that mean? -.- Nore would understand why I said that. Stupid stylus. Hahha... It was also the first time in SUPER MANY years that I kept a Nokia phone. The building a condo game, ROCKED! Eheh...

It was the year I got up on the stage of my school to do what I enjoy. And no, it ain't addressing hundreds of Lodgians and boring them to death with my long ass speech. Besides, that post was filled since 2007. ;) i got to do it two nights in a row, and on MUFTI cum TEACHER'S DAY. The Mufti/Teacher's Day was super random, but yeah, still had fun!
Last year, I also began to get to do things I would have never thought I would ever do. Both in the good and bad sense. Not gonna goooo into detail or anything, but, if it wasn't for those small things I did along the way to 31st December 2008, I prolly wouldn't be the "me" I is nows. Bad english was one of those things... Lol
Guess 2008 was the year of friendships too. Ever since '07 and with the Arts and Science stream, kinda lost contact with a few of my friends who were my classmates for a while. Some might say, "Good riddance to those years. As soon as I came to Form 4, I finally began to feel comfortable...", but how can I say that when all i remember of those years were just full of laughter and shit? Not literally shit la... After a while, I guess I just decided to call and IM these very special people, and thank God I did. Don't think I'll make the same mistake twice. Going out with one of them later too.
On a side-note, 2008 was the year I got a 78% for a February Econs chapter test. =D Of course, thanks to a friend. And all that. Guess I needed that push, 'cause the next time 'round, I got my first "A1" in another monthly Econs test. Sure lah, it's not as huge as getting a Distinction for the term papers, but, I guess it gave me a sense of respect for myself, and that along with a teacher knowing what I'm capable of (for a short while XD)
Probably the sweetest thing that must've been given to me by the Big Guy up there was the chance to actually feel something I've always asked from Him. the only difference between my requests in 2008 and 2007 was that it was with different people. And I got that chance for a while. Learned a lot. Gave a lot. And recieved too. Not money lah! =.= From a third-person's point-of-view, one might say that I made a bold choice by risking a lot. I initially thought that too. But, you know, if i didn't take the chance, may not have never really seen how things would've been and it would've been the same story, just with a different person. To that person, no pressure. What's in the past stays in the past man. And THANK YOU for making me smile my ass off during the better time of 2008. 'Nuff said.
So, 0 0 9. I'm in awe of that number. Hahah! If 2009's anything like 2008 for me, I guess I'm in for a pretty crazy ride. Some people I know have left for college and there's another crate of them going off at the end of January. Bah... not really hoping on much this year. When it comes, I'll just take it like the chubby kid who takes a chocolate bar from the candyman.
Three cheers to 2008: One of The Two best Years Of My Life
So far.
Welcome 2009!
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