Went up to Batu Kawa, almost wanted to go Sematan, witnessed my sister miss her flight, did the most risky betting ever, and caught a nice ending to this week on cam.
Went out with these two dark, FOREIGN people. Lol. It's been almost a year since I hung out with these two. it was great fun, and Sidney's house is really lucky. Well, for me la. Not for him. Sadly. Lol!!
On the same day Sarah left for Auckland, Franklin, Sid and I went visiting after that. Surprisingly, Frank and I were still energetic. We both woke up at 4.30 that morning. Lol! Went breakfast with a few people. After being grossed out, didn't really enjoy my breakfast... All i can say is "YUCKY!"
Stef's house was a blast. Won some money, but still lost like 2 bucks to Sid. =.=''
But it was alright because the night before I won twelve bucks from him! =D
Anyway, met up with Sid and Franklin a bit later. Had some guests come in, They ate, they talked, they played smthin' I don't understand.
That night, Frank, Sid and I decided to go Jamie's. First group of friends to visit! AHAH! jamie has really nice pots... and bottles...
*As in the one to keep her alcohol... very antique but nice... Ok, everything sounds wrong. I'll just cut and paste some pictures from her house. -.-
Then, we went to get Dani and Amy to go to Spring. I was kinda tipped over, so, Starbucks helped me get back to something like normal status.
After that, went to Amy's house just for a regular night outside at her porch, eating pizza with Sidney, Franklin and Miss Basiuk. We just sat, and talk, and told each other stupid lame jokes... EXAMPLE: "HALLLAO FWONG!" Hahahah!! *An inside joke* AND IT IS FUN OK? Nothing beats staying out with great friends, ya know?
Slept well that night. =)
Woke up next afternoon. Totally forgot that was going to Zoe's. Thank you Agnes for the message! Hahaha... So, went up with the likes of Agnes herself*duh, Fion and Joash. In a limo! We got lost, 'cause the pai wasn't clear or something like that. Well, we eventually found the house and we stayed til 5 smthin.? Really nice house too... Went out later...and that's it.
Went to visit Fion's house with Joash a few days later.
Again, another nice place. i like it because it's got orange-yellow lights. Yeahhh... OH. As you all already may know, Fion's sister is, as usual, dammnnnn cute. She can make you smile by just the slightest fall back into her crib. =D

Agnes came too! But left, then came back. Aaron, Dick and Des were some of the others who came too!

Look Sarah, a paper bag! Going green as planned!
Then, came yesterday, when Amy, Ec, Franklin and I went to Spring. I wamnted to buy shirts, so yeah. Ended up buying three FOS shirts... Slightly cheaper compared to other shirts...and I like 'em, so yeah. Lol. The group came back to my house after that and stayed awhile.
Franklin's damn cool MacBook. With cool blue cooling pad! WAH! *Claps!
*You ever wonder where the bit of apple that was bitten off went?
Stinjy Steve Jobbs! Giving us 7/8 of an apple. -.-''
EC was so hyper last night. And THIS is one of the very rare pictures of EC that she allows for me to take. Well, she didn't know, so yeah. Hahaha...
We played the PS2 for a while. And shit, so damn fun to see people scold Franklin for missing someone who's shooting right in front of him and to see Amy shriek everytime the guy she's playing falls 100 feet to his animated pixelized death.
Then, everyone left.
Agnes came too! But left, then came back. Aaron, Dick and Des were some of the others who came too!
Look Sarah, a paper bag! Going green as planned!
Then, came yesterday, when Amy, Ec, Franklin and I went to Spring. I wamnted to buy shirts, so yeah. Ended up buying three FOS shirts... Slightly cheaper compared to other shirts...and I like 'em, so yeah. Lol. The group came back to my house after that and stayed awhile.
*You ever wonder where the bit of apple that was bitten off went?
Stinjy Steve Jobbs! Giving us 7/8 of an apple. -.-''
We played the PS2 for a while. And shit, so damn fun to see people scold Franklin for missing someone who's shooting right in front of him and to see Amy shriek everytime the guy she's playing falls 100 feet to his animated pixelized death.
Then, everyone left.
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