Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's Not NOT Recognised

Before anyone says anything about Swinburne, i just want to make one thing very very VERY clear. Swinburne is NOT not a recognised learning institute.

How the hell can anyone say that when over 2500 Malaysians AND international students apply into Swin., with another additional 300++ more well on the way this March? And guess wot, numbers do count as a factor this time... So, if 3000 students go to Swin., does that mean these 3000 are paying for an unrecognized piece of paper which will not land them a job? That's kinda bull crap-ISH to me. I mean, don't listen to people who go and batter up Swin., or any Malaysian-located college just because it's... in Malaysia. I know people who do go to Swin., and they actually have gone on to success.

I admit, Swinburne isn't AS recognized as other higher learning institutions, but there's a difference between not being recognised and not being as recognised.

If you don't wanna take what i have to say into consideration, I invite you to wait for 3 years. 'Cause when 2012 comes, and assuming I'm still on this planet, I'll personally prove it to you that Swinburne is recognisable.


And, respect the deicisons we make. We never said anything about yours in the first place.

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