To start things off on a positive note, got chosen to do some oral presentation recording thing on campus. woot. Gotta shorten the speech down from 13 to 10 minutes max... D: Congrats to Morgan and Joel for getting chosen too!
I did a crazy mofo cover on FaceBook last night and it involved all the songs that have affected the process of my growing up up til this very year. LOL. It was fun and all that, but who actually thought that the transformation from childhood to teenager could be summed up by four VERY VERY familiar songs that I'm sure have musically entered each and every of your ears before. o_O
Chef Won-g is back.
Well, he's been back for a while, but the reason i brought this up is 'cause he was crazy enough to call me in the middle of the night( that was the normal part) AND went on to let me know he was outside my house. As I peeked out of my window, I saw his farking bright HD headlights bouncing off the road. When I went out, he was standing there with Mr. Ngeaw. Couldn't really tell who Keith brought at first cause when I talked to the guy on the phone, he just started talking with an accent. Details of the conversation with Joel will remain private for the sake of both parties. XD
MBO opened up a few weeks ago, so went on the 2nd day of the Big Open. Went in, wasn't so impressed with the lobby, but when I entered the hallway to the cineplexes, I almost soiled myself. Yes, I have never actually gone to the high-end cinemas in Peninsular or even Sabah, so yeah, I was easily impressed. When it came to the cineplexes, it was good. Seats were placed at very good heights so you won't get blocked by shadows of people's head, and the walkspace in a row was wide, so people don't have to move around when people want to get to their seats. And the best part of all is that, THE ROWS ARE LABELLED CLEARLY, EVEN WHEN YOU'RE LATE FOR A MOVIE. :D A good layout plan. And of course, the movie's Dolby Surround Sound is awesome, speakers ain't too loud or too soft. Tried a 3-D film. It was good 'cause the glasses are big(or maybe my face is small) so you can actuallyw ear your spectacles within the 3-d glasses :D
Anyway, here's a picture of one of the halls from one of the right-hand rows.
We're not really suppose to take photos, but hey, I never really did care when those rules come to play...
Op, too late...
Ya know what I mean? :)
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