Sunday, October 24, 2010

I never really understood what love meant until I met this one couple.

They had been one since 2006(?) and they've loved each other like I've never seen before. Yeah, they had their share of fights and the occasional "we need a break" moments but what made me learn more about love is the fact that they always got together every time.

I guess it kind of makes sense sometimes. If you love somebody and you guys are taking some time off, you would want to get back together should the opportunity present itself.

I think it's pretty sweet.

But after hundreds of days, sometimes realizing that it's a done deal is probably better, scratch that, it IS better. It'll hurt but every thing doesn't happen for no reason right? For my case, i think I'm just gonna stand there and watch me burn my bad...

I'm just gonna have to deal with the fact that I'm probably going to love this girl for the rest of my life. It sounds like a burden, but trust me, the only burden is that it's not mutual. Sure, I may find someone new, but I'll always love her. Damn sure about that.

If it's anything that couple taught me about love, is that love is to put your lover's happiness before yours.


LiBBy said...

great blog

for the love of beauty by lara said...

non-reciprical (cant spell @ 4.30am) is the worst...