Anyway, hello! long time no read yes? Lol. So here I am popping a few TicTacs into my mouth. Loads of shit happened within this MONTH alone. And this time, for the first time in soo many months, I'm not gonna be blogging ONLY with words. That's right.
It's a fucking picture post!
Sooo...I'm not sure if I posted this yet...
*checks blog history
...yeap, haven't posted about this yet. Aaron left for KL a few weeks ago. A couple of us including

...decided to go to the airport and see him off. Sucked to see him leave, sucked even more to see our friends crying over him leaving. No, i did not cry. Not even when I went home. But got sad la.
But hey, he's coming back this Friday. Woo!
*Manly clap.
A few weeks later, it was these two punya turn...

Known Nore for awhile, got close to her startin '07. Knew Chang Mien since she came to Lodge, helped her with some audition thing we did in Form 1, but I doubt anyone remembers that. Hahha. EPIC FAILURE. But had a good time skipping Geo and Moral for rehearsals. =D Even though I'm not really that close to Chang Mien, I wish you and Miss Eleanore Tan Gold Gold all the best there, and I'll see you back here soon. And that I miss ya. take it slow, and everything takes time. You'll be okay!
And this Tuesday, think Keith's leaving for Aussie too. Sorry I can't go up man. =( Thanks for the carpooling to Club and to school when i needed it. Appreciate it bro.
As people go to another chapter in their lives, us Kuching-nites are starting ours too.
This is my story. Can't believe I'm in Swinbure already. And yet, everything feels exactly the same. Except for the fact the rooms are smaller, the attire is way different and that there is a necessity to use a lift to get some parts of campus. Currently doing compulsory subjects... and shit, it's shit tiring , mind boggling and makes you super sleepy and hungry. And we only have like what...10 minutes max for lunch. It's not even a lunch's a just a toilet break which I have come to abuse by ordering fried tom yam noodles and eating the shit really fast. Not a nice image. :D
Monday to Thursday's packed. that's prolly why I'm tired. But I ain't complaining. Better than being stuck at home doing nothing.
Still seeing these people until March.
Des and Morgan too

I miss this.
I miss this.
Kinda miss my school life tho'. But gotta admit after a week in Swinburne, gotta admit school life was kinda too planned out. I mean, at least with the 10- minute break, we're kinda forced to do time management.
I guess, you could say, a new year,
That's right :)
And yet I kinda miss the past. :\
I guess, you could say, a new year,

It's a new "everything", huh
And yet I kinda miss the past. :\
my eyes!!! where did they go??? lol
HAHAH!!!!! O_O My pupils!!
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